Offer Him your "nothing". You keep striving, like me and like many of us, to fill this "nothing" by pouring all kinds of trifles and lies into it...now try to stand before Him as NOTHING as frequently as you can. Before you go to sleep in the evening, when you wake up in the morning, and every time you remember to do it during the day, enter into this "nothing" that you are and stay there, empty and quiet, while feeling as deeply as you can how much of a "nothing" you are. Don't receive any thoughts. Don't judge yourself; let Him do it. You just sit there quietly and offer Him this "nothing"! But offer it to Him, not to yourself or to the enemy. You will understand the movement of the soul that helps you do this, maybe not right away, but you will succeed after a few tries!
God made this immense wonderful world out of nothing!
Dare to be nothing in His hands, and not in your head!