Online Seminary
* Session 1: What is Forgiveness
* Session 2: What is not Forgiveness
* Session 3: Killing of the brother
Annex: Guilt | Freedom
* Session 4: The logic of the fatal violence
Annex: Maladaptive schemas
* Session 5: Quitting the logic of the fatal violence
Annex: Prayer for the ennemies
* Session 6: How do we forgive?
* Session 7: Another obstacle in the way of forgiveness
Annex: Sufferance: A blessing or a course?
* Session 8: The Liturgy of forgiveness
Online Seminary "Forgiveness, a Way to healing" - pdf type
More and more people come to us in order to find out solutions to numerous and painful life problems. It is our strong opinion that the solution can only be found by each and every person is his/her own direct co-operation with God’s grace. The Holy Church offers us the means to obtain the grace but it is our duty to learn how to keep it and work with it.
That is why the training workshops organized by our Center are perfect opportunities to obtain and improve such skills. The results we have obtained so far are encouraging, God be praised! Unfortunately our time and space are limited and we simply cannot satisfy all the requests that are being made.
However, we offer as an alternative the online workshop “Can we learn how to forgive?”. The answer will be given by those of you who will go through all the sessions.
Everyone is invited to join in and, provide you do your “homework” in good faith, you will definitely benefit from it.
We provide the necessary handouts. The participants are asked to send their homework at iertare@gmail.com. You sign in the moment you send the first homework. Each homework will be studied and put into practice for a week or more, if necessary.
We guarantee complete confidentiality. If you don’t feel comfortable using your real name, you may use a nickname. We are interested in your inner workings, not your social identity.
You have to know that the information in the handouts is not our own. We have only adapted the different theoretical works mentioned in the text. That is why we strongly encourage you to access those sources in your personal quest.
We are aware of the shortcomings of this “hyper-method”, but we ask Our Lord to work with us this way too. Our hope is that, in time, support groups be made in every parish, around the priest or a professional for a better face to face communication. Those interested are asked to contact us for further information and training.
Until then, we pray the Lord to bless our endeavor and to work together with the participants as only He Himself is capable of doing.
And please don’t forget: you have to look for God in His Holy Church, the Holy Mysteries, the Devine Services, in prayer, in our heart and the good deed done in His Name!
May His Peace and Joy be upon us!
Mother Siluana
Mulțumim pentru traducere Crinei Vasiliu Kienle și lui Dragoș Zetu